
All kits will be sent directly to your institution to be handed out on a given day by one of the Artway team or by a member of faculty. Unfortunately it’s not possible to receive your kit at a private address. The one-time delivery cost is factored into the price of the kit helping us to keep it as low as possible. Details regarding kit distribution will be sent by by the institution to let you know when and where to collect your materials.

Please use your college or university address when filling out the shipping section on the checkout page. This information will be provided on our website for you to copy. Please note that if you provide a private address we will disregard this information as all kits are delivered directly to the institution.

If you miss the deadline you can still order a kit but at an increased cost. The reason being that kits ordered after the deadline will be need to be made up and delivered to a private address, thus incurring a compilation and shipping charge.